My kids love cake! So, tis time i made them a healthy & fresh blueberry muffin:). Why don't u try wit ur kids & let them explore fun of baking wit u..
Lurpak light salted butter(softened)(125 gram)
Self-raising flour(125 gram)
2 biji telur
Almond oil
Cinnamon powder
Gula(90 gram)
Fresh blueberries(1/2 mashed & 1/2 for topping)
Mascarpone cheese(topping)
First, preheat oven to 180 degree. Sementara tu, masukkan butter + gula, pukul hingga gebu. Then, masukkan almond oil + telur satu persatu. Dalam bekas yg lain, masukkan self-raising flour + cinnamon powder & mix together. Kemudian masukkan adunan tepung ke dalam adunan butter sedikit demi sedikit dan masukkan mashed blueberry & mix well. Then, spoon the mixture into the cupcake case & bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Bla da masak, biarkan sejuk sebentar & spread thinly with mascarpone cheese and top wit blueberry:) Done! Yummy....
comelnyaaaaa your cuppiesss.... rajin ampa baking2.. best sebab kids suka makan kan.. :)
nyum2... smlm try buat choc tart hehe tapi terkandas huhu inti tak menjadi, so-so je .. kalau ade experience maybe bole share hehe.. muffin tu macam memanggil2 la
hehe,tue la,sbb kids suka,mama pun suka so pe lagi..tetiap ari rs nak baking!
Ummi, i sukee chocolate, nak try la:) Ummi try la wat muffin ni, snang je, i pon br berjinak2 dlm dunia baking nie:) selamat mencuba..
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