Last weekend we went to Liverpool:)..Hubby i minat sangat tis band & at last tercapai gak impian dia nak jejakkan kaki di The Beatles Story, one of the most famous band in the world! Kami beli tiket online, tis 2 kiddo is free (5 thn kebwh), kebetulan cuaca pun cantik, sunny day + suhu 6C..:). Pejalanan amik masa lebih kurang 2 jam dari rumah kami. First bila masuk je sempadan Liverpool, i ingat cam xbest je bandar ni, kiri kanan under construction, korek jalan la, pasang sign board..hrmm tp once masuk di city of attraction, The Albert Dock (west dock).. cantikkk betul rupanya Liverpool ni..hehe, kawasan tourist attraction ni bertempat di sepanjang waterfront River Mersey dan ada 3 lagi pelabuhan mengikut kutub yg berbeza iaitu Salthouse Dock (southern dock), Canning Dock (north) & Wapping Dock (south).
* The Beatles Story's ticket *

The Beatles Story ni salah satu tempat tarikan pelancong di The Albert Dock. Selain tu ada Liverpool Wheel, Tate Liverpool(National Collection of Modern Art in the North of England & the most visited gallery of modern and contemporary art outside London), Merseyside Maritime Museum (Discover the story of the Titanic, the Battle of the Atlantic and marvel at Liverpool's maritime), International Slavery Museum (the first of its kind in the world - on the third floor of the Merseyside Maritime Museum. The museum explores the historical and contemporary aspects of slavery through stories of bravery and rebellion amongst enslaved people).
* River Mersey *
* Liverpool City Centre *
Dan yg palingggg best of course la tempat shopping di Liverpool ni, antaranya Cavern Walks Shopping, Metquarter Liverpool, Bold Street Liverpool (street shop) and one of the widest shopping mall in England, LIVERPOOL ONE at Liverpool City Centre. LIVERPOOL ONE ni merangkumi 160 kedai/butik, cafe/restoren, 2 hotel (Hilton Liverpool & Serviced Apartment), 14 screen Odeon cinema and more than 600 stylish apartments, and also home to the North West's largest John Lewis store, Liverpool's first ever Debenhams and the Apple Store!! Haa..xcukup lagi, 2 hari xabis pusing shopping mall tu, da jadi satu bandar baru..mmg sangat2 moden & cantik & ni 1st time i g shopping mall paling besar dlm dunia:)...tp sale da nak abis, so i xteruja sangat nak membeli belah..hehe, rugi beli time xda sale, i tgh survey cross body handbag memandangkan skrang ni g memana kna tumpu pd tis two kiddo (yg makin lama makin suka explore & suka main kejar2 gan mama & abah...arggghh) n memandangkan juga fesyen i da berubah sejak menjak berhijrah ke sini(yela time bla nak pakai blouse/sandal/t-shirt santai2, sentiasa gan coat/jacket & kasut boot..huhu), so leceh klu nak pakai shoulder handbag. Tp tue la, bkn taste i so ssh ckit nak cari yg betul2 cantik.

* BTW, cantik x my furry boot..hihi *
Ok, sambung bab The Beatles, i ni bukanlah peminat mana2 penyanyi even penyanyi M'sia..so Hubby i ada story mory sedikit sbyk ttg famous band ni, baru i tau zaman kegemilangan The Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison & Ringo Starr) ni masa zaman mama i kecik2 dulu, The Beatles achieved mainstream success in the United Kingdom in late 1962 with their first single, "Love Me Do". Populariti band dorg ni setakat tahun 1970 bla group ni break-up & each then found success in an independent musical career. Tapi pada tahun 1980, John Lennon mati dibunuh di New York City & George Harrison meninggal dunia akibat kanser pada tahun 2001. So, skrang ni hanya tinggal Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr saja. Sepanjang karier dorg ni telah menerima banyak award antaranya 7 Grammy Awards, 15 Ivor Novello Awards from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors, 6 Diamond albums, as well as 24 Multi-Platinum albums, 39 Platinum albums and 45 Gold albums in the United States, while in the UK they have 4 Multi-Platinum albums, 4 Platinum albums, 8 Gold albums and 1 Silver album. The Beatles were collectively included in Time magazine's compilation of the 20th century's 100 most influential people. In 1965, Queen Elizabeth II appointed the four Beatles Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE). The Beatles film Let It Be (1970) won the 1971 Academy Award for Best Original Song Score. The group were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988. Wow.. no wonder they are the most greatest band of all time!
* Carpark nearby Liverpool Wheel & Arena and Convention Centre *
* Oppss.. ada org xsabar nak masuk The Beatles Story..hahaha *
Kami sampe dlm kol 1 pm, so lunch dulu br g jenjalan, i da survey b4 g Liverpool, kebanyakannye cafe & pub, klu restoren lain jauh skit, so better i prepare lunch sendiri (ni menu lunch kami, i prepare nasi + ayam goreng rempah + moi sup + scramble egg wit mix vege + chocolate cake + egg sandwich + mix fruit & grape juice.. hihi, byk x?). Time ni tgh tunggu Hubby bayar tiker carpark, 1jam = GBP1, so kami bayar sampe kol 9 (semu tempat attraction di area Albert Dock & City centre hanya walking distance), means total GBP9...plezz jgn convert, cekik darah beb (GBP9=RM45)..uwaaaa tue br carpark, tiket museum + shopping.... mmm xpe skali skala..hehe
* Entrance of The Beatles Story *

* Big fan The Beatles!..hehe*

* George Harrison's 1st guitar *

* The Beatles producer *

* Screen tv tu ada video ttg jutaan reaksi peminat The Beatles, ada yg pengsan, menjerit2, menangis, mmg minat abis abisan! *

* Flight seat masa band ni fly ke America *

* "Eleanor Rigby" is a song by The Beatles, simultaneously released on the 1966 album Revolver *

* Di area koleksi album 'Yellow Submarine', Aqil & Aiman sronok sgt coz betul2 rasa cam duduk dlm kapal selam, ble nampak ikan tgh berenang di luar kapal selam..hehe padahal aquarium kecil:) *

* Step on giant piano, suke 2 org tue main piano..hehe *
* Ni last section, ada aktiviti utk peminat setia The Beatles cthnye section creativity, so bole lukis/warna/tulis note & lekatkan di board sbg kenangan:) *
* The Beatles signature:) *
Lepas abis round semu koleksi & try beberapa aktiviti yg ada, Hubby i ajak g The Fab 4 Store di tingkat atas (koleksi sorvenir The Beatles). Ada macam2 koleksi utk peminat The Beatles (baju/jacket/mug/jam/pen/beg/purse dll).. Selain tu ada juga The Beatles Cafe (actualy Starbucks Cafe) wit free wifi:)... Then, off we go to shopping mall..hehe

* Take a break wit Starbucks Frappuccino *
* The Beatles t-shirt & key chain from The Fab4 Store *

* OTW ke Liverpool One, tiang tinggi tu adalah Liverpool One Swing Ride(60 meter high), da mcm Genting Theme Park..hehe, ngeri nyerrr *
* Liverpool Wheel (60 meter high) - night view *
* Outdoor shopping mall *
* Liverpool FC outlet *
* Vrommm..vrommm...byeeeee *
nice pair of boots hehe..
lagu depa best kan, paling suka i want to hold your hand.. :)
hehe..lps g explore koleksi Beatles br la tau lagu depa kbykkanya best2:)..actulay kmi suka bulu kat boot tu, cam bulu kucing..hihi, klu pakai gan skinny jeans br cun:)
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